8:30a Registration opens for both downtown & concours
8:30a Initial announcements - Welcome show car owners
8:45a Show car parking should be complete around concours
9a Concours judging begins
9:45a all Opening Ceremony aspects in place and ready to go
10-10:15a Official Opening Ceremony around Lake Mirror Park
10a-4p Concours & Downtown Open Car Show Events
10:15a Ed Lucas welcome at Concours
11a-12p “Auto Biography” interviews featuring Ford Heacock & Bill Warner
12:45-12:55p Ed Lucas introduces Distinguished Judges
1p Recognition & feature of Vintage Wooden boats – Lake Mirror Park
1p Downtown judging team to award the Ribbons throughout the Open Car Show
1:15p Recognition and feature of Amphicars – Lake Mirror Park
1:30-1:45p VIP & major sponsor/partners recognition and interviews at Concours
1:45p-3p Start Concours Awards with specific procedures
2:30-3p Downtown Swan award winners recognized at Munn Park
3:15p Orderly load out of Downtown show cars can begin - as long as it takes
3:30p Streets need to return to normal parking ASAP. Help car owners (staying later) to shift from chevron parking to parallel parking in downtown. This is required to open the streets.